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Competition Team competes Welsh Championship 2019

Over the weekend of the 26th and 27th January, South Worcester had a contingent of it's competition squad taking part at the SLSA Welsh national championships which took place a the Welsh National Pool in Swansea.

This event was the first national event which the competition members have participated in this year, and the positive results which team members obtained can be used as a platform for future successes throughout the year.

The events which competitors choose to enter are all events which will be used in the Speeds competition throughout the rest of the season. Such events included, rope throw, the super lifesaver event, manikin tow, Swim and Tow, Swim and Tow with fins and other events.

Well done to all members who competed at the event, and all their hard work and determination paid off, by the amount of personal best times and enjoyment that was had by all that participated and assisted with the running of the South Worcester Team.

Congratulations also goes to Tom Clifford who obtained a gold for the rope throw and Amy Weston who obtained a Gold and Silver medal.

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