On the 20th December 2018, South Worcester Lifesaving and Lifeguards members worked alongside members of the Pershore Round Table in the annual Santa Sleigh collection around Pershore and the surrounding areas.

This is the second time that the club has engaged in this event following the success and enjoyment had by all last year. South Worcester Lifeguards had more than 30 members helping with the event which was the biggest contingent by far, who had engaged with the Santa Sleigh collection in 2018. This event helped the club raise much needed funds in order for us to continue to support members of all ages, to increase and support their lifesaving skills and qualifications.
South Worcester Lifeguards will attend a celebratory evening hosted by the Pershore district round table on the 17th January 2019, in which all funds collected by the Round table will be distributed to all the local good causes and charities who participated alongside them during the Santa Sleigh event during 2018.