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First Responder Course Success

Throughout the months of November 2017 to May 2018, Wednesday evening sessions have involved First Responder training for a new group of candidates and individuals wanting to refresh their skills.

This training involved a variety of teaching methods and resources from interactive Power-Points to scenario - based exercises. It was noted that all candidates got completely involved with all aspects of the course.

Throughout this process all the candidates completed a variety of modules which consisted of BLS, AED, Spinal management, O2 Administration, Airway management and Trauma Care in the Pre- Hospital Environment. As the course progressed through scenario- based activities, there was a growing sense of confidence which was more evident from the candidates.

All candidates involved in the final assessment were deemed to be competent in the above modules and successfully completed their First Responder award.

Congratulations to Alice Forson, Ellen Forson, Cameron Leach, Helena Leach, Jacob Goodall, Jacob Hesketh, Keith Hodgson and Lara Harding for all their hard work. Furthermore there is much appreciation to all SLSGB T.A's who participated in this course for facilitating the candidates progress and experience during this time.

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